OpArt=Illusion / Video

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Galerie Thomas
Munich, Germany
September 9, 2011 to January 21, 2012
Yaakov Agam, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Francis Celentano, Julio Le Parc, Wolfgang Ludwig, Adolf Luther, Almir Mavignier, Francois Morellet, Heinz Mack, Bridget Riley, Jesús Rafael Soto, Victor Vasarely, Ludwig Wilding
After these artists had been shown in the legendary exhibition "The Responsive Eye" in the Museum of Modern Art New York in 1965, Op Art – and the concept – had established overnight. Op Art was a rational, ordered response to the chaos and intuition of Abstract Expressionism. Its impact derives from the tension between negative and positive shapes and lines, which can be further reinforced by the skilful selection of colours, as well as from the way in which the human brain (mis-) interprets what the eye sees.